Are you a hard
Do you enjoy interacting with the public?
Would you like to expand your knowledge of wild and domestic animals?
This program utilizes committed and enthusiastic youth to help staff with several of our most popular exhibit areas including:
The Critter Cabin, our Educational Farm, and our new Nature Research Station!
Please read the following criteria carefully to find out if you are eligible for this program before filling out and submitting the application.
Qualifications to become a Young Naturalist:
Be between 13 and 17 years of age on June 15, 2014.
Submit a completed application (First year applicants must include two letters of recommendation) and a completed Parent Liability Release Form by April 22, 2014 (4:30p)
Complete a two day orientation course
Provide a minimum of 28 hours of service during the summer
Contribute $20 to cover costs of t-shirt and program materials
Have reliable transportation to and from the Nature Center
Have the ability to be punctual, courteous, dependable, and trustworthy
Be willing to follow the rules of the Nature Center and this program
Have an enthusiastic attitude and plan to have fun!
How to become a Young Naturalist:
1. Download the Informational Letter for Parents & Young Naturalists (PDF)
2. If you are a new Young Naturalist, fill out the First Year Young Naturalist Application (PDF)
3. If you are a returning Young Naturalist, fill out the Returning Young Naturalist Application (PDF)
4. Return all forms to: Lauren Pyle, Young Naturalist Volunteer Coordinator, 75 Gashes Creek Road, Asheville, NC 28805